Tips on how to do visual marketing on Tumblr

Pictures are worth a thousand words and that couldn’t be truer for the Internet where people often prefer to look at pictures than read a lengthy article. With the growing popularity of social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, it has become much easier to get recognition for your brand. Tumblr is another major social media platform along with Pinterest and Instagram where pictures are used as the primary content. In fact 42% of the content posted on Tumblr is pictures.

Why should you use Tumblr?

Tumblr is basically a blogging platform but it is not like the traditional WordPress or Blogger. It is easier to use and most content posted there includes pictures, videos and charts, therefore it pretty much runs on visual media. Tumblr also allows you to use themes for your blog and they have their own collection, or if you are the techy type, then you can always create your own theme. Tumblr is generally used by artistic, creative type users, so if this is your niche then you will fit in perfectly. The audience of this social media slash micro-blogging site is usually people under the age of 30, so if your product or service is for a young audience, then again Tumblr is for you.

How can you use Tumblr for visual marketing?

  • Users on the website prefer pictures to lengthy and wordy posts. You should use high quality pictures of your products to promote it on your blog. The Tumblr of Urban Outfitters does just that. Their pictures are linked back to the website where the viewer can buy the product. This social media platform is not a text-heavy website, therefore if you are a business that focuses mostly on text based information you would not find Tumblr very helpful. Once you learn how to use Tumblr correctly, you may post pictures of your product with a summary of it in the caption and link it back to your website where your interested “followers” can read the article. To interact with your customers and make them feel a part of your business and brand, give them a look at what goes on behind the scenes. A New York based restaurant called Boqueria makes videos of their recipes from the menus and posts them on Tumblr to teach their followers how to make the dish. This is the give and take scenario, where you give your audience something in order to gain something in return.
  • Tumblr is all about photographs, so you can start by playing around with various types of content to see what entices your audience the most. The content can come in short form, long form or even the so-called memes we hear so much about. These different types of approaches will help you understand which combination excites your audience and makes them respond. Your other social media accounts can also be linked to Tumblr. For example, if you use Instagram you could always post some of the better photos you have on Tumblr, therefore sending your audience to your Instagram page as well. Any collage you may have on Pinterest also will work pretty well on Tumblr as a reblog.

Visual marketing is thriving today and attracting more of an audience, so why not take full advantage of it and try your hand at all the picture based social media sites that can help promote your product? Have you used Tumblr for your business? We’d love to hear how it’s worked for you!

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Photo Credit: dpstyles

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