social media

What social media strategies should you consider in 2013?

2012 is coming to an end and 2013 is just a few weeks away, so it’s time to start thinking about how you want your business’ social media marketing strategy to go next year. While much of it may be similar to last year’s strategy, social media is constantly changing and without a taking a look at where trends are headed you could be holding your business back. Here are a few things you should consider when planning your business’ social media marketing strategy for next year.

Social Media Isn’t a Stand Alone Medium Anymore

In 2013 you should consider looking beyond social media as a stand-alone channel. Start thinking of social media as something that can be integrated into every part of your business. For example, imagine you post a conversational update to your Twitter account and a consumer clicks through, only to arrive at your business’ page to find a bunch of corporate-speak. That is sure to bring your social media relationship with that consumer to a screeching halt. Today, an “anti-social” feel on any of your channels can hinder your marketing efforts. It’s smart to evaluate the social component of each one and try to make them all flow together seamlessly.

And remember, it’s not just about fan engagement anymore. Social media is maturing to become a platform that can offers a precious source of data that can be integrated into wider brand activities.

Content, Content, Content!

We can’t say it enough! Content is very important to your social media efforts whether you realize it or not. Content is actually becoming the new primary focus of many marketing strategies. People are consuming content at a crazy rate, and content creation seems to be all the rage, with everyone pinning, re-blogging and Tumbling.

Think about what drives social media sharing of your content. It is likely that one of the biggest factors is how uniquely relevant it is to each of your customers and prospects. It’s personalized. Make it a point to brainstorm new ways you can drive personalization and connect your content with social conversations. If you’re not already doing so, take a look at embedding content with social sharing options and consider building campaigns around sharing in 2013.


2012 was called, “The Year of Mobile,” and the latest trends show consumers will continue to move to more mobile devices. There are many jaw dropping statistics out there showing how mobile devices are becoming the consumer’s tool of choice for searching and buying over the Internet. Smartphones are outpacing PC use; while they remain an integral part of work activities, smartphones and tablets are an integral part of how consumers are getting their information. When planning for 2013 think of integrating mobile marketing into your strategy, including both mobile websites and mobile apps.

Finally, remember social media not about your business. Stop thinking about how great your products/services are and start thinking how they can help your consumers. We hate to say it, but no one cares about your company. They only care about how your company can help them. So make it easy. Tell them how your company can help them, not what’s so great about it. The less egotistical you are and the more helpful your content is, the more likely it is you’ll see your social media grow and your strategy pay off.

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Photo Credit: yuichirock

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