In today’s technological world, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing techniques. However, there are some old school marketing tricks that, when combined with today’s technology, pack a killer punch. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when drafting your marketing strategy.
1. Personalization – Whether it be a hand written note or a personalized email, acknowledging that a potential customer is a person is vital in any marketing strategy. One thing that has not changed over time is a person’s need to feel important. An extra five or ten minutes to make a note more personal will help a potential customer will feel special, and when a customer feels special it is more likely they will remember you and your brand.
2. Reward Word-of-Mouth – One of the oldest and most trusted forms of marketing available is a person’s word. People trust their friends and family’s opinions in ways they’ll never trust an advertising campaign. So make sure to reward your loyal customers and/or staff for spreading the word about your business’ brand. When designing your marketing strategy, think about starting a rewards program or loyalty card to make it easy for you to thank them for their business.
3. Thank You Cards – Never underestimate the value of a simple “Thank You.” People love being recognized for their patronage and will appreciate your company sending them a “Thank You” note for their recent order. This is also a great marketing opportunity because you can let them know about an upcoming special event. However, don’t send out a mass email or postcard if you decide to do this; make sure it’s personalized and indicates a real connection.
4. Make Some Face Time – When we say “face time,” we are not taking about the iPhone Facetime feature. We are talking about going to local business events or meetup groups where you can interact with potential customers. In a world where practically everything has gone virtual, people love to be able to meet someone face to face. Go to your local chamber of commerce meeting, meetup group, or industry conference and get the word out about your business in person. Sure it’s a lot of effort, but the rewards are extremely valuable.
Here’s a tip: consider going to a meetup where you know it is unlikely that there will be another person from your same industry. This way you can make more of an impact on potential customers.
Although it can be easy to get caught up in social media, when it comes to marketing, there are many old school techniques that still pack a powerful punch. Make sure you don’t forget about them when you’re setting up a marketing strategy.
Do you have an old school technique that still brings you results? We want to hear from you!
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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency with teams in Silicon Valley and the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.
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Photo Credit: emilywjones