Incorporating social media updates into your marketing plan is a great way to increase traffic to your website or blog. Companies with a large social media presence are more recognizable and have established themselves as opinion leaders in their industry. Here are some marketing tips to help increase your website traffic using social media platforms.

Photo Courtesy of: Jerry Nihen

Photo Courtesy of: Jerry Nihen

How to Increase Traffic Using Social Media Platforms

Influence People to Share

Social updates depend on people to share content and spread the word to their own networks. Creating posts that are reader-oriented and interactive makes it more likely your content will be shared. Offer advice or a how-to for your readers. Here are four common types of content that get shared frequently:

  1. Infographics: Infographics are great for social sharing because they display a lot of data in one place that’s in a simple format. Infographics are designed to be pleasing to look at and easy to understand, so they can provide your readers with a lot of value.
  2. Hashtags: Using hashtags is a good way to include your social updates in a larger online conversation. Hashtags categorize content based on relevancy, so using appropriate keywords and tagging your posts effectively will help your updates spread further.
  3. Visuals: Social users are more likely to click and share striking images with their friends. Use images in your posts to boost their reach and increase traffic to your site.
  4. Guest Posts: If you have access to an expert in your industry who can provide a guest post, it will raise your site’s credibility and be more likely to get shared. If you’ve written a guest post on an influential website, share this through your social channels also.

Measure Your Success

Make good use of analytics tools like Google Analytics or Promoted Posts on Facebook. You’ll be able to measure your reach and the success of your social media marketing campaign.

Increasing your website’s traffic can be done using well-written and well-timed social media exposure. For help with promoting your online presence or brand’s reputation using social media, contact your team at Three Girls Media today.


Special Offer: Complimentary Consultation

Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency founded in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley with a team in the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.

Call 408-218-2391 or Contact us today to arrange yours!

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