
Who knew chocolate-less s’mores had so much in common with public relations?

Public relations tips are everywhere, and yet it never ceases to amaze me just how many places I see them. Just the other day I was at my in-laws’ house, digging around in their pantry looking for a snack, and I noticed marshmallows and graham crackers. Of course this made me think of s’mores, so I fired up their gas stove toasted a few mallows and made a couple of campfire treats. Sadly I wasn’t able to find chocolate to accompany this spontaneous dessert, but it still tasted good.

So what does this have to do with public relations?

Here are a few tips you can learn from the anecdote:

1. Don’t be afraid to embrace a new idea. I didn’t think s’mores were on the menu that day, but once it popped into my head I decided to run with it and was very pleased with the result. When you come up with a new concept for your business, once you decide to go with it, follow through all the way.

2. Use the resources you have. I didn’t have a campfire or even chocolate, but that didn’t stop me from making s’mores! I used the resources I had to create a treat just as tasty and gooey as the traditional campfire treat. Use your resources for your business’ public relations efforts, too! Whether that’s taking the time to learn how to do it yourself or hiring a PR firm, use whatever you can to promote your company.

3. Evaluate the results. My initial thoughts after enjoying my chocolate-less treat was that I enjoyed it more than the traditional way! However, after further reflection I decided I did prefer it with that tasty square of chocolate. Although it tasted sweeter without it, the chocolate square enriched the flavor of the overall s’more. As you evaluate your business’ public relations strategy, take the time to think it through. Look at the analytics you’re able to pull and review your strategy from every angle possible.

From embracing a new idea and using your resources effectively to evaluating your public relations campaign’s results, don’t discount these important tips just because they came from my in-laws’ pantry.

Where else have you seen public relations lessons? Share in the comments below!

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