A version of this post originally ran August 13, 2012.

Though media advisories and press releases both help spread the word about your business to the media, they have slightly different purposes.

  • A press release is sent either in the hopes a journalist will run a story about the company or mention an event or online for SEO purposes
  • A media advisory invites the journalists themselves to come to a company event with the hope that they will tell their audience about the event and the information revealed during it

As bizfluent explains, “A media advisory, or media alert, invites the media to a company event, such as a news conference, grand opening or presentation. It’s an invitation to attend an event that may or may not be open to the public. A press release to the media details news about the business, such as a new product or sponsorship of a charitable event. Both press releases and media advisories can be used for company events.”

Why Send Media Advisories to The Press?

Why Send Media Advisories to The Press?

Quite simply, the journalists that come will most likely cover the event, giving you instant exposure. You also don’t have to worry about creating the story yourself; the event is the story and you can have numerous media outlets in attendance, each sharing with their audience about you.

When and How To Send A Media Advisory

Knowing what to send a media advisory for is as important as knowing how and when to send it. You can send media advisories for events open to the public, such as a speech or tradeshow. Or you could even host a private event only open to the press, often called a news conference, which can be used to reveal a new product or service, respond to customer concerns or just update the public on company news.

1. Timing Is Everything

Persistence is key when sending media advisories. You’ll want to send them a few times:

  • About eight weeks in advance of the event
  • One month in advance
  • Two weeks in advance
  • Two days in advance

2. Questions To Ask

You need to answer particular questions in a media advisory in order to give journalists the information they need. Tell them what your event is all about in a ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘where,’ ‘why,’ ‘how,’ and, ‘what else’ format. You can actually write out the words, followed by the details so recipients can easily see all the details very quickly.

3. Keep It Brief

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You need to answer particular questions in a media advisory in order to give journalists the information they need.

A media advisory should not be an essay. It is an invitation. Include brief details to answer the necessary questions and have everything wrapped up in under one page.

4. Keep In Contact

The media should be able to contact you for more information or questions. Include your name, phone number, email address, company website or any other contact information you have available.

We Can Help Promote Your Event With A Media Advisory And More!

However you want to promote your event, whether you want to send a media advisory and/or run social media ads, distribute emails or put together a direct mailer, we are here to help. If you have any questions, want more information or guidance, please contact us today!

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