In marketing we often treat customers as imaginary buyer personas who supply a business’s profits, but it’s important to remember that customers are real human beings with emotions and thoughts that can be influenced in any direction by marketing to pleasure and pain.
In this episode of Two Minute Marketing Tips, I’ll teach you how by marketing to pain and pleasure we can trigger emotions, persuading people to interact with brands and buy products. I cover:
- Marketing to pleasure vs. pain
- Identifying your target audience
- Marketing power words
Want more Two Minute Marketing Tips? Get some outstanding insight into social media and marketing strategies now by listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or SoundCloud:
- How To Take Facebook Ads To The Next Level: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or ApplePodcasts
To hear more Two Minute Marketing Tips, see my Apple Podcasts, Spotify or SoundCloud channels. Thanks for listening!
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