Faith Spencer


Faith believes if you put in the time and effort and seize every opportunity that comes your way, you can turn your hobby into a successful career. After completing her law degree in the Philippines, she mustered the courage to follow her heart and pursue the field of digital marketing full time. 

When she isn’t traveling the world, Faith enjoys being inside as much as she does being outside. 

Get to know Faith:

Favorite Pastime/ Hobby: If you can’t find me on top of mountains, I’ll probably be found swimming around in the ocean and pretending to be a mermaid.

Favorite Food: Seafood!

Random Fact about Me: I snack on ice chips.

Favorite Place: The beach.

Favorite Movie: The Experiment — although the film is about human experimentation, the characters’ portrayals of society are fairly accurate. 

Favorite Sports Team: Meh

What is guaranteed to put a smile on your face? Travel tickets!

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