What can you learn from the big ball drop?

What can you learn from the big ball drop?

New Year’s Eve in Times Square is an American tradition that we look forward to all year long. Every TV in the country seems to flash with images of the bright city with a countdown in the corner. For years we watched Dick Clark usher in the New Year and now we watch as Ryan Seacrest helps lower that crystal ball. In this blog post, we uncover three marketing lessons we can learn from the New Year’s Eve celebrations in NYC.

Here are 3 New Year’s marketing lessons: 

1.Create community: New Year’s Eve in Times Square is a perfect example of community building. Thousands of people flood into the square, stand next to strangers and celebrate a holiday together. This applies directly to social media. Whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or one of the dozens of other popular sites, creating a community is an important part of connecting with your fan base.

2. Make it interesting: No one wants to pay attention to something ho hum and boring, and a ball drop is a great example of this concept. We all love watching the ball drop, but if that was all we watched for hours on end, we would be bored out of our minds. The ball drop is always accompanied by the year’s most popular artists and trends that make the event interesting and memorable. Keep this is mind when you create your social media content. Keep it fun, fresh and entertaining.

3. Engage the crowd: I don’t know about you, but my favorite part of watching the New Year’s Eve festivities is the Nivea Kiss Cam. This camera always pans through the crowd and actively seeks out couples with really great love stories that need to be shared with the world. This fun part of the festivities is so much more than a little smoochy smooch on camera, but rather a way to engage the crowd and incorporate them into the festivities. This is especially important with social media marketing efforts. Be sure to keep your followers involved in a conversation online and always be mindful of their activity by keeping them consistently engaged.

New Year’s Eve is the night that time seems to start over and we get a fresh start. Take this idea to heart in regards to your social media or marketing plans. Try something new, take a note from the successes of others and don’t be afraid of change. If you or anyone you know is looking for a quality social media or marketing campaign, call us today!

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Photo Credit: Anthony Quintano

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