
Being able to adapt is important both in social media and parenting.

You know what’s terrifying?  Lots of things, but at the moment I can only think of one.  I’m about to be a father.  This reality is amazing, exciting and yes – terrifying.  The initial shock has worn off long enough to produce coherent thought.  I’ve come to the conclusion that most things in life can be viewed through this 40 week window – even social media.  So here, in five steps, is my take on how being an expectant parent is like creating an effective social media strategy.

Step one: Realization

Your world has changed.  You woke up this morning and realized absolutely nothing will ever be the same.  Your business is growing but it needs support to stay healthy and thrive.  A daily dose of social media can help.  With the proper care and attention to detail an effective social media strategy will prepare you for the future.

Step Two: Worry

Okay, this new reality has you a little freaked out.  This is good. I’ve always thought worry was a synonym for caring. The trick is to cultivate that anxiety, use it to help you better understand the situation.

Step Three: Research

Time to get yourself together.  Immerse yourself in the world of social media, read as much as you can, talk to professionals but be wary of unsolicited advice.  Plenty of people have access to Google and think they know what’s best.

Step Four: Plan

Who is your audience?  What kind of message do you want to send?  What social media platforms will you use?  A good plan will alleviate doubt and reduce stress.  Also, knowing what you want ahead of time will come in handy should the unexpected arise.

Step Five: Monitor

You’ve made a commitment to your social media and if you want it to work you need to be involved.  A healthy social media strategy needs attention. Make sure to check in often and use the tools at your disposal to see what’s working and what isn’t.  And don’t worry about failure.  You’ll have multiple chances to get it right.

Photo Credit: Nana B Agyei via Flickr

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Three Girls Media, Inc. is a public relations and social media management agency founded in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley with a team in the Seattle area. We love working with small and emerging companies across the nation to raise their brand awareness and name recognition. We offer a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our CEO and can answer your questions and discuss your specific marketing needs.

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