The care that goes into creating a glass of your favorite wine is very similar to the work that goes on behind the scenes of a public relations campaign. The wine industry is huge and diverse, just like the world of PR. Here are 4 PR lessons from the wine industry you can use to help you reach your target customer and start a conversation.

What can we learn from the wine industry?

What can we learn from the wine industry?

4 PR Lessons from the Wine Industry

  1. Know Your Specialty

Vintners spend entire careers devoting their lives to their passion of creating fine wine. Likely, they’ve learned to specialize with a few blends or have a prized variety of grapes on their vineyards. Find your niche and become an expert in it. Are you great at writing blog posts? Or maybe you’re a whiz at video editing. Find your talent and cultivate it as part of your public relations campaign.

  1. Everyone Has a Favorite

Just everyone has a favorite go-to wine they like to drink (or a few for different occasions), most people have a favorite type of media they gravitate toward online. Pictures and videos top the list of most shared content, so consider integrating strong visuals into your messaging. There’s even a new wave in PR of using videos and images in press releases.

  1. Know Your Clientele

The wine industry is vast and diverse. There are fine wines sourced from all corners of the globe and you can find bottles ranging from three to thousands of dollars. Wine’s price is based on its rarity, origin and vineyard reputation. Knowing the client base you are targeting is essential for successful sales.

  1. Stick to Your Brand

Branding is as important for all industries as it is for wine. Most bottles look the same so it’s up to the label and packaging to win over a customer. Finding and sticking with a brand image that speaks to your target clientele and is recognizable will ensure brand loyalty. The same is true online. Use the same company profile image for all social media platforms to establish consistency.

Knowing your specialty and using it to your advantage, determining you audience’s favorite type of online content, knowing your target customer and sticking to your brand are all valuable PR lessons from the wine industry. Can you think of any others?

Photo Courtesy of: Joe Shlabotnik

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