What’s your favorite social media tip?

What’s your favorite social media tip?

The game of social media is becoming harder to keep up with every day and it’s easy to get lost in the rules. When it comes to small business etiquette, how are you sure what to post, on what platforms and at what times? Here are some key tips to get you started.


Facebook: It’s okay to post after your business doors are closed.

Pinterest: Pins without human faces get re-pinned 23% more than those with faces.

Google+: Full size images (800x600px) will make your post stand out.

Blog Posts: Keep them between 300-550 words.

YouTube: The file name should reflect the video title.

Twitter: The shorter the status, the better. That includes links.

Instagram: Use basic photography composition (e.g. the rule of thirds) to make images more appealing. Don’t forget hashtags!

Alright, so you’ve got your quick facts. Ready for the secret to the perfect social media status?


Blog Post 

1) Engaging Title: This is what will hook your audience. Make sure it sticks and that it involves an important key word.

2) Call to Action: Ask your audience a question, ask them to share it on social or link them to another post.
3) Relevant (and awesome) Photo: Be sure to add some color to your blog post with a great photo, and make sure it’s copyright free.

Facebook Status 
1) Mobile Friendly: Most of your audience will be viewing your post on their mobile device, so keep it simple and easy to read.
2) Teaser: Offer information that is just enough to make them click.
3) Appropriate Time: Find out when your audience is online and post when it’s perfect for them.
Twitter Status
1) Call to Action: Your tweet should not just be read, it should be clicked on and retweeted.
2) Mentions: Do you think a specific person will find your article interesting? Mention them! Also, give credit to the author of the article!
3) Punctuation: Do not sacrifice correct grammar just because you only have 140 characters.


1) Lots of Color: Red and/or orange pins get 2x more repins, while images with 50% color saturation rake in 4x more than those that use 100% saturation.
2) Little Background: The subject of the photo should take up 60-80% of the space.
3) Portrait Style: This style is much cleaner and appears well on all channels.


1) Tag: Use that “@” symbol to your advantage and tag people and brands in your post to reach a larger audience.
2) Keep up with Trends: Use the “hot” button and see what is trending. Offer your two cents to the feed.
3) Hashtags: Google+ will automatically add a hashtag for trending topics. Stay relevant and keep your post front and center.

How do you handle social media? What other expert advice do you have to offer?

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