Getting the word out about your business can be tough, especially when you don’t have a huge marketing budget to start with. How can you establish a realistic strategy? Check out this blog post I wrote for Successful Business News about it!
While, “If you build it, they will come” worked in Field of Dreams, it’s far from reality when it comes to marketing your business. If you don’t actively promote your company, the results could be disastrous. Still, a lot of companies have marketing budgets that are tight. How do you know how much to spend, and where to invest those funds?
When it comes to establishing your budget, a good rule of thumb is to spend about 10 percent of your annual gross revenue on marketing your business. That answers one question, but what about the second? Figuring out where to invest your marketing budget is a bit more challenging.
How to Appropriately Allocate Your Marketing Budget
For most businesses, margins are tight and there aren’t unlimited funds in your marketing budget, so you need to establish your strategy wisely.
Read more on Successful Business News.
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