You might think your company needs to be on every major social media platform out there. However, you actually just need to focus on the platforms that your audience use. In this episode of Two Minute Marketing Tips, Three Girls Media CEO, Erika Taylor Montgomery, reveals why:
- Instagram is the best platform to reach millennials
- Facebook is still the largest social media platform for GenX and Baby boomers
- Twitter has a more tech-savvy audience
- Pinterest is perfect for women
- LinkedIn is the best platform to reach other professionals
Want more Two Minute Marketing Tips? Gain valuable insight right now by listening on iTunes, Spotify or SoundCloud:
- LinkedIn Ad Prices & Budgeting for Your Campaign: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or iTunes
- Understanding LinkedIn Ad Targeting & Audiences: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or iTunes
- Implementing LinkedIn Ad Best Practices for a Successful Strategy: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or iTunes
- 6 Must Have Content Marketing and Public Relation Tools: Listen on SoundCloud, Spotify or iTunes
To hear more Two Minute Marketing Tips see Erika’s SoundCloud, Spotify or iTunes channels. Thanks for listening!
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