Almost everyone uses social media in some way, shape or form. According to Oberlo, the most recent numbers show that there are 3.78 billion social media users worldwide in 2021. It’s also 920 million more than the number of social users in 2017, which represents a massive 32.2 percent leap in just five years.


In this episode of Two Minute Marketing Tips, I dive into 12 major social media mistakes you may be guilty of when trying to market your business online. We’ll also look at how to avoid them and become a social media marketing pro! I discuss:

  • Social media strategy
  • Consistent posting schedules
  • Maintaining your social media accounts
  • And more!

Want more Two Minute Marketing Tips? Get some outstanding insight into social media and marketing strategies now by listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or SoundCloud:



To hear more Two Minute Marketing Tips, see my Apple Podcasts, Spotify or SoundCloud channels. Thanks for listening!

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