5 red hot marketing articles

Here’s another round-up of 5 red hot marketing articles from around the web. Enjoy!

  1. A Few Minutes with John Cleese on Creativity http://ow.ly/2Bo0c – This post shares John Cleese’s tips on how to be more creative.
  2. When is the Best Time to Tweet? http://ow.ly/2G6bf – This handy article provides ideal days and times to post Twitter updates, including a handy tool to target specific users.
  3. 10 Ways To Become A More Efficient And Productive Blogger http://bit.ly/decFbG – These tips give suggestions for blogging more efficiently, including writing posts in batches.
  4. 4 Tips for Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts http://ow.ly/2BnWN – This is a collection of four simple ways to increase the SEO of your blog posts.
  5. Analysis of The Top 10 Twitter Users and What We Can Learn From Them http://ow.ly/2CCob – This post looks at the top ten Twitter users, from Lady Gaga to Katy Perry, to provide insight regarding how to follow their example and tweet effectively.

Photo Credit: Frerieke

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