5 Hacks to Blogging More Productively

5 Hacks to Blogging More Productively

Being a blogger and creating your own blogging site is the easiest thing to do these days. What is more challenging is to sustain being a blogger for a long period and holding the interests of the viewers. Yes, it is true that you can create your own personal brand by...
Effy Says… Keep it Short and Sweet

Effy Says… Keep it Short and Sweet

Don’t overload your readers with complicated language and long paragraphs; make your writing easy to digest. Stay tuned for more of Effy’s insight and follow her on Instagram, or connect with Three Girls on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest tips and...
Effy Says… Social Media Matters

Effy Says… Social Media Matters

Are you underestimating the power of social media? Almost all businesses find value in it; don’t miss out!   Stay tuned for more of Effy’s insight and follow her on Instagram, or connect with Three Girls on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest tips and...

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