by Erika Montgomery | Oct 16, 2017 | Public Relations
Do you need help getting the word out about your business? It’s easy to do a Google search for “public relations firm” but how do you know which ones are worth partnering with? Unfortunately, not all PR agencies are created equally. I can’t tell you how frequently we...
by Erika Montgomery | Sep 26, 2017 | Public Relations
What exactly is public relations, or PR? Erika Taylor Montgomery, CEO, explains in this video! Want to learn more about public relations and marketing? Stay tuned for more Tips, Tricks & Tidbits from Three Girls Media, or check out more of our recent blog posts!...
by Erika Montgomery | Sep 15, 2017 | Public Relations
A great public relations campaign is a successful way to achieve free publicity and a lot of buzz. Unfortunately, no matter how many pitches you send out, reporters will always have the final say on running your content. This means sometimes you may get misquoted or...
by Erika Montgomery | Aug 29, 2017 | Marketing, Public Relations
What’s the one thing you need to remember in all your public relations and marketing efforts? Our Senior Director of Publicity, Emily Sidley, shares in this video! Want to learn more about public relations and marketing? Stay tuned for more Tips, Tricks & Tidbits...
by Erika Montgomery | Aug 18, 2017 | Marketing, Public Relations
If you’re a football fan, you’re probably just as excited as I am that pre-season is finally here, which means we are only weeks away from the start of regular season! As a native Washingtonian, the Seahawks have been my team for as long as I can remember, but it...
by Erika Montgomery | Aug 7, 2017 | Marketing, Public Relations
There are a lot of similarities between public relations and marketing, and raising a child. While I still have quite a few parenting stages ahead of me, here are a few lessons my 4-year-old daughter has reminded me about over the years. PR & Marketing Lessons...